Doesn't it just look like a TON of cash!! If only... sadly each bill in this stack is worth less than a dollar. But it sure is fun to see big stacks of cash. The exchange rate here is about 128 naira to 1 us dollar. So you would think we would be livin' like kings here. Sadly that doesn't seem to be the case. We decided that the general rule of thumb for shopping here is that if it is about 3 times what you would pay in the US than that is a good price. Heck a box of cereal is between 900 and 1200 naira. (That's close to $10!) Mom keeps tellin me I need to learn where the locals shop and go there. I need to take a picture of one of the street side meat counters and see if she keeps saying that. So for now I keep shopping in about 5 different grocery stores to get the best deals on what I need and to FIND what I need. But at least for today I can look at my big "stack o cash" and pretend I am rich.

Don't buy cereal make oatmeal or pancakes. Mom
ReplyDeleteI make biscuits a lot, but cereal is easy for Roy to have before work. It's fast and quick and is enough for him. But I agree with you pancakes or oatmeal or biscuits are way better.
ReplyDeleteIf Josie wanted to get up in the morning and cook me eggs and biscuits before I left for work every morning I wouldn't stop her....btw I leave the flat at 7 to go to work, so if this were to happen I would have to figure out where in the "Twilight Zone" I was living! Roy