It was a beautiful storm. Big dark clouds, lots of thunder and lightning, but it hardly even rained. The wind just blew and blew and the clouds raced by, and it sprinkled here and there. Just enough to get the ground wet. But that will change soon. Before you know it we will be up to our eyeballs in rain!! Rainy season is about to start. It will rain enough that several of the streets will flood.
Anyway, I looked out the window the other day and realized that even though I was homesick and sad the otherday, I have a lot to be thankful for. Today I am thankful for concrete buildings. Construction here is cinder block and concrete and tile. At first it seemed cold and harsh to me. But now it feels strong. Because when I looked out my window I learned that our neighbors didn't fare as well as we did through that storm.

I'm not sure if it is their home or if it's just where they work. But this little "building" didn't quite survive the big winds. And even though they are roped off as a warning, people are still there. So today, if nothing else, I am thankful for concrete buildings.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that you are without many fun luxuries. I'm glad that you are learning to be grateful for the little things we take for granted. I look forward & hope that I can see you soon. I love you! ~Rachel P.S. I got to see me baby move on an ultra sound yesterday! It was great!
Here's a funny side note... Last night I dreamed they were fixing this building. They still haven't in reality. I don't even remember what the rest of the dream was about. hmmm... strange